These are the assignment for the 32-hour DWI Intervention/Repeat Offender Program - WEEKEND #6 as required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. These assignments can be completed here. Please DO NOT complete and submit these assignments until you're instructed to do so by your teacher. All assignments must be submitted successfully in order to be issued a certificate of completion. 


Directions: Please review your Action Plan and make any needed changes. Consider any suggestions from other class members, friends, family members, and the instructor. Think through your plan very carefully--it will be an important part of your recovery. During the Exit Interview your instructor will discuss the plan with you and approve it or negotiate additional changes with you. This plan will then become your plan for the rest of your probation supervision.





Looking back on the past 6 weeks of this program, please rate each item in terms of its helpfulness to you. Rate each item from 1 (NOT helpful) to 5 (VERY helpful).
